Data Visualisation Books

Learn the fundamentals of HTML, SVG, CSS and JavaScript for building data visualisations on the web.
Ideal if you're wanting to learn D3.js or you use Python and/or R and wish to get started with HTML, SVG, CSS and JavaScript. Straight to the point with lots of code examples.
Covers HTML elements, SVG elements, CSS flexbox, JavaScript operators, functions, etc.

"One of the best D3 books I've read. The contents are very clear, it is easy to follow and the concepts are very solid."
D3 Start to Finish teaches you how to build a custom, interactive and beautiful data visualisation using the JavaScript library D3.js.
The book covers D3.js concepts such as selections, joins, requests, scale functions, event handling and transitions. You'll put these concepts into practice by building a custom, interactive data visualisation.
Over 30 chapters containing clear and concise explanations and plenty of code examples.